The Benefits of an Arts Education

At The Pulse, we understand that an arts education aids child development through social skills, discipline, memorization, building a strong work ethic, self-esteem, performance skills, and an appreciation for physical fitness.


“Research shows that children who study the arts demonstrate stronger overall academic performance.  Art programs improve students’ self-confidence, build communication and problem-solving skills and prepare young people to be the creative thinkers that employers seek for today’s workforce.”
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

“Creative children look twice, listen for smells, dig deeper, get from behind locked doors, have a ball, plug in the sun, get into and out of deep water, sing in their own key.”
Paul Torrance, Director of UGA’s Gifted & Creative Edu. Program

“In a national sample of 25,000 students, those with high levels of arts learning experiences earned higher grades and scored higher on standardized tests than those with little or no involvement in the arts, regardless of socioeconomic status.”
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

“By analyzing, interpreting, and making informed judgments in and through the arts, students develop critical thinking skills that help them to understand and analyze what they value. The arts encourage students to develop their own ‘voice’ and to participate more fully in their schools and communities.”
Manitoba Education and Youth: The Arts in Education

“After all, arts education is really the only way to create a more knowledgeable public and new generations of leaders that will drive this creative industry, not-for-profit and for-profit alike.  Art is central to a civil society.  Kids who create don’t destroy.”
Terry Semel, Chairman and CEO Warner Bros.

“Young people who are involved in making something beautiful today are less likely to turn to acts of violence and destruction tomorrow….We all need to support the arts.  In doing so, we are telling America’s youth that we believe in them and value what they can be.”
Janet Reno, former U.S. Attorney General