As parents, we all try to provide the very best for our children. I often refer to Plutarch’s quote to stay centered amongst the flood of considerations regarding the girls’ first encounters with formal instruction. “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”. Your studio has achieved this goal with my girls! They love to come to dance class and Madeline (age 3) can’t wait until the end of the year to receive her trophy and flowers just like her big sister. She will carry this kind of enthusiasm with her for the rest of her life, whether she continues to dance or not. I am so thrilled to have found this dance studio! I looked at several before enrolling and chose The Pulse because it best exemplified what I wanted for my daughters now and in the future. I am so looking forward to another amazing recital where I will get to see students of all shapes and sizes, placed on stage according to their merit, put on a fantastic show!